Elevate Your Roofing Inspections with Cool Breeze Aerial Drone Services

Roofing work is physically demanding and time-consuming, exposing your team to challenging elements. Manual roof inspections are exhaustive and often risky. Enter Cool Breeze Aerial – revolutionizing the roofing industry with cutting-edge drone technology for comprehensive inspections.

The Game-Changing Solution

Our specialized drone equipment eliminates the risks and physical strain associated with manual inspections, providing an affordable, efficient, and accurate alternative.

Regular and Infrared Roof Inspections

Efficiency at its Peak

Cool Breeze Aerial utilizes state-of-the-art drones equipped with high-resolution cameras and advanced imaging technology. These drones capture stunning visuals in a fraction of the time, providing the most precise measurements and roofing calculations.

Infrared Thermography: Unmatched Precision

Our infrared inspections are non-destructive, highly efficient, and offer visual qualification of damaged areas, particularly on flat roofs. Using FLIR’s infrared cameras on DJI drones, we instantly visualize and verify thermal performance, providing invaluable data that can save building owners or insurance companies thousands of dollars.


Benefits of Infrared Testing

Our professional infrared testing significantly reduces roof repair and replacement costs by:

  • Targeting water-damaged roof areas and wet insulation for effective repair.
  • Identifying sound roof sections for conservation.
  • Locating small concentrations of moisture before they cause severe damage.
  • Preventing unnecessary roof replacements.
  • Improving specifications for more competitive bidding.
  • Providing independent, objective information about your roof’s actual condition.
  • Prolonging your roof’s life with effective routine maintenance.

Expertise and Safety

Our roof inspections are conducted by licensed pilots with extensive training to ensure safe and skillful operations.

Why Choose Cool Breeze Aerial?


Our licensed pilots are trained to ensure safe and skillful inspections.


High-resolution visuals and infrared technology for accurate assessments.


Reduce repair costs and unnecessary replacements with targeted inspections.


Get detailed insights in a fraction of the time of traditional methods.


Minimize risks associated with manual inspections for personnel.

Elevate Your Roof Inspections Today

Discover the future of roofing assessments with Cool Breeze Aerial. Our drone-based inspections ensure accuracy, safety, and cost-effectiveness. Contact us to schedule a thorough evaluation of your roof's condition and benefit from advanced technology transforming the roofing industry

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will provide a details quote within 48 hrs.

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